A Modal Logic of Defeasible Reasoning (bibtex)
by Huimin Dong and Yì N. Wáng
A Modal Logic of Defeasible Reasoning (Huimin Dong and Yì N. Wáng), In Logics for New-Generation AI 2021, College Publications, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Huimin Dong and Y{\`\i} N. W{\'a}ng},
	booktitle = {Logics for New-Generation AI 2021},
	date-added = {2022-03-23 22:38:26 +0800},
	date-modified = {2022-03-23 22:39:11 +0800},
	publisher = {College Publications},
	title = {A Modal Logic of Defeasible Reasoning},
	year = {2021}}
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