Weighted Modal Logic in Epistemic and Deontic Contexts (bibtex)
by Huimin Dong, Xu Li and Yì N. Wáng
Weighted Modal Logic in Epistemic and Deontic Contexts (Huimin Dong, Xu Li and Yì N. Wáng), In LORI 2021: Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, volume 13039, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Huimin Dong and Xu Li and Y{\`\i} N. W{\'a}ng},
	booktitle = {LORI 2021: Logic, Rationality, and Interaction},
	date-added = {2022-03-23 22:37:08 +0800},
	date-modified = {2022-03-23 22:38:15 +0800},
	pages = {73-87},
	series = {Lecture Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
	title = {Weighted Modal Logic in Epistemic and Deontic Contexts},
	volume = {13039},
	year = {2021}}
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